Complete Your Order Below:
The Elite Man Method
What You're Going to Get:
  • 12 Week Periodized Strength and Conditioning Program
  • This is your Training blueprint so you can instantly start carving your Lean and Jacked physique and building confidence.
  • 12 Week Nutrition + Supplement Plan
  • This will not only complement and support your workouts, but will be invaluable in creating sustainable nutrition habits around manipulating your hormones so you can get and stay lean, jacked, and strong!
  • Elite Man Lifestyle Bonus Tips
  • A series of small lifestyle hacks that not only support your training and nutrition, but will also instantly help you increase productivity, raise your energy levels, and improve your performance in the bedroom!
  • ​Six Months Access to the Elite Man Method Program and Brotherhood
  • Never feel like you’re going through this journey alone when you join us in the Elite Man Method Facebook Group so you can be held accountable and receive ongoing coaching and support. 
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Our Awesome Guarantee

Here’s how the guarantee works:

If after you complete the first two weeks and have logged all workouts and meals according to the program and you still aren’t happy with the program, then you will receive a refund on the portion of the unused program. All you have to do is email me your logs and explain why the program is not for you.
Special Early Bird Bonuses
The Elite Man’s Hotel Workout Guide $97
  • 3 of my favorite workouts I personally use when traveling using dumbbells or cables-only, including my secret 20 minute bodyweight trick to get fired up in a flash
  • Executive Travel Tips to keep your health on point while on the road
The Elite Man’s Airport Dining Guide $97
  • Airport Executive Dining Guide with the healthiest items in the most popular Airport restaurants.
The Elite Man’s Drink Guide $97 
  • ​The complete guide to incorporating alcohol into a healthy Man’s lifestyle.
What Our Clients Have Had to Say About 
The Elite Man Method
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